As essential skills, we recognise the importance of developing speaking, listening, reading and writing as a strong foundation for learning across the curriculum. With a strong start to learning through a structured program of phonics, children are able to apply their spelling, punctuation and grammar skills to become confident and creative writers. We aim to immerse all pupils in high-quality and diverse texts to foster a love for reading and passion for learning which fuels their imagination. We aim for all pupils to be confident in communicating effectively to successfully engage in the world around them.
Curriculum documentation for English:
EYFS Documentation
Progression in Foundational Skills from EYFS to KS1
EYFS planning opportunities – Reading
EYFS to KS1 links – Spoken English
EYFS planning opportunities – Spoken English
EYFS planning opportunities – Writing
Writing and Assessment
Handwriting follows the Letterjoin programme. Pupils are taught print in EYFS and gradually move to cursive throughout Year 1 and Year 2. As pupils reach Key Stage 2, they will further develop a neat, cursive handwriting style.
Spelling rules are taught twice weekly following Spellingframe.