At St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary School we aim to continue to provide high quality education for all the children in our care, recognising individual talents and ensuring that opportunities are provided so that all can reach their full potential. As a Catholic school, we follow Catholic values that seek not only to achieve excellence intellectually, but also spiritually and we strive to ensure that every child within school is nurtured so that they may grow to become confident, caring and compassionate young people.
Our Vision and Values for the education of all at our school is based on five core underlying principles:
- Search for excellence: all are given every opportunity to develop their talents to the full
- Uniqueness of the individual: all are valued and respected as individuals so that they may be helped to fulfil their unique role in creation.
- Education of the whole person: preparing our children for their life as Christians in the community.
- Education for all: a duty to care for the poor and those who are socially, academically, physically or emotionally disadvantaged
- Moral Principles: offering experiences founded on Gospel values so our children are prepared to serve as witnesses to moral and spiritual values in the wider world.