Welcome to the Friends of St Mary Magdalen’s 
We are pleased to say our Friends of the School group met in January 2023 and are now up and running with a new team of people and new ideas. We hope to work towards securing some new playground equipment for our children to extend our current provision and ensure our children have the very best opportunities in all areas at St Mary Magdalen’s. If you are interested in supporting in any way, plaese contact the school office.
February 2023 – Valentine’s Disco
Our first event supported by the Friends of the School was our Valentine’s Disco. The children thoroughly enjoyed dancing and playing games together!
Summer Fun Run – July 2023
Our Friends of the School organised a fantastic sponsored event including a Fun Run for all classes, a raffle and tuck shop. The event was the first one of many to raise money for some fixed play equipment for our school yard. It was a brilliant event – despite the rain!
Please look out for the next events and ideas organised by our Friends of the School.