At St Mary Magdalen’s we offer children access to the Rainbows programme. The programme is available to children, who are grieving a death, family change or any other significant loss. It is a chance to chat about any emotions that they are experiencing and find ways of coping with some of these changes.
Here at St Mary Magdalen’s we aim to run two Rainbows groups- one for infants (Reception to Year 2) and one for juniors (Years 3-6).
When something significant happens in a family, the entire family is affected. Even though death, divorce or other loss issues appear to be only grown-up problems, they do have a profound effect on the children that are touched by these experiences. If a parent or grandparent dies, a divorce happens, or some other painful loss occurs, not only do parents grieve, the children do also. Due to their age and limited life experience, our youngest children may find it difficult to verbalise their feelings of grief.
We have sensitive and caring trained members of staff who have volunteered to run Rainbows. They will work with the children to help them put their feelings into words, work through their grief, build a stronger sense of self-esteem and begin to accept what has taken place in the family. The Rainbows programme is a great way for the children to express how they feel.
For more information please see the organisations website Rainbows
If you feel that your child could benefit from the support of this program, please speak to Mrs Robson for further information or a simple form to enrol your child.