In school the children are given a number of responsibilities.
These include:
Head Boy and Head Girl
Our Year 6 Head Boy and Head Girl were elected by all the children to be our very own school ambassadors. They work hard to support the Headteacher and often represent our school during special events. Our Head Boy this year is Jake and our Head Girl is Anna. To find out more about them, please read their election speeches below.
Our Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl will support these important roles throughout the school year. Our Deputy Head Boy is Charlie and our Deputy Head Girl is Millie.
Please take some time to read our Head Girl speech and Head Boy speech.
House Captains
Our House Captains are responsible for leading our houses in school. They collect the house points throughout the school, collating these to report to the Headteacher each week and input into our half-termly rewards for the winning house. They also lead on preparation for Sports Day during Health and Wellbeing week.
Spiritual Leads
As part of their role, our spiritual leads support with leading weekly liturgical prayers, setting up the focal points in school, developing prayer and supporting our mission statement by living it out in everything they do. During the warmer weather, they also use our spiritual garden to read bible stories and prayers to our younger children.
Reading Ambassadors
This group of children are responsible for the promotion of reading for pleasure throughout school. They organise events such as ‘teacher swap’ and also are reading buddies for some of our younger children in school.
Our prefects are always there to help and support in school. They can lead on group work, sit in on meetings, support staff with events in classes and be there when they are needed. These children are trusted to set an example as a role model to the younger children.
Sports Leaders
Our sports leaders help to co-ordinate equipment on the playground and support the PE co-ordinator in organising resources and equipment safely. They also support with the organisation of sports events and Health and Wellbeing week, including Sports Day.
Wellbeing Leads
We have Year 6 ‘Wellbeing Leads’ that support on the school yard during playtimes and lunchtimes. These pals will help to look after the younger children and anyone who just needs an extra friend during playtime and lunchtime.
These children help to support the well-being of all of the children in school. They think of ways to promote positive thinking, spreading kindness and treating others with respect. They wear rainbow badges as a symbol of happiness and hope to those around them.
Eco Team
These children are working hard on Pope Francis’ message of Laudato Si and taking care of our common home. They are looking at ways to recycle, conserve energy and conserve our environment.