At St. Mary Magdalen’s, our reading curriculum has been developed to ensure every child can reach their potential in reading and that an enthusiasm for and confidence in reading is engineered in each child. Our school’s philosophy of language is that the teaching of reading has a crucial role to play in equipping learners with the language skills they need to become effective members of their own communities, the world of work, and of society in general. The study of English develops children’s abilities to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes, using language to learn and communicate ideas, views and feelings. Through reading in particular, pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Reading also enables pupils both to acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know. All the skills of language are essential to participating fully as a member of society. Reading enables our children to express themselves creatively and imaginatively, as they become enthusiastic readers. Our children gain an understanding of how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins. At St. Mary Magdalen’s our children use their knowledge, skills and understanding in reading across a range of subjects and genres. Our well sequenced curriculum enables children to build on their reading skills. Staff are ambitious for all children and responsive to their learning to ensure a deep understanding.
At St Mary Magdalen’s we aim for our pupils to:
- enjoy reading and develop a love of reading
- develop knowledge of themselves, others and the diverse world in which we live
- develop comprehension skills
- be able to use their reading skills to acquire knowledge across the curriculum
Progression in Foundation Skills – EYFS to KS1
Early Reading
Early reading in an essential part of building the foundations for a successful learning journey in school. We ensure that pupils receive high-quality phonics lessons daily through the Read Write Inc. programme and reading books fully match the phonics scheme used in school. This is complemented by a a wide range of high-quality texts in our reading spines which pupils can share with an adult.
Read Write Inc. Phonics is a complete literacy programme, for 4 to 7 year-olds learning to read and write and for 7 and 8 year-olds needing to catch up quickly.
Programme progression:
- Read storybooks and non-fiction books closely matched to their developing phonic knowledge
- Take home Phonics storybooks to share
- Read with fluency and expression
- Learn to spell using known sounds
- Write confidently by practising what they want to write out loud first
- Work well with a partner.
Reading after Phonics
Once children have mastered phonics, they move onto a range of Oxford Reading Tree banded reading books which are matched to their ability. We also have a varied collection of books in each class library which is equipped with a wide variety of high-quality fiction, non fiction and poetry. Pupils are encouraged to take books they are interested in, not only books that are in their given band. In each phase, we have our ‘100 books’ which encourage pupils to access high quality texts. All pupils receive a home reader book on the stage they are reading at as well as the opportunity to read books which are of interest to them.
All classes from Year 2 take part in whole class reading sessions which focus on skills of fluency and comprehension based around high quality texts. Teachers model reading effectively and guide pupils through the reading domains. Pupils are also given opportunities to work independently within comprehension sessions.
All pupils enjoy ‘reading for pleasure’ and this is timetabled daily to ensure a love of reading is promoted in every class.
Children in Key Stage 2 take part in the Reading Plus programme which helps pupils improve their fluency and comprehension on a more individualised level.
We aim to instil a love for reading within all pupils to ensure they have the best start in life. This is done a range of ways across the curriculum:
- Reading for Pleasure time (daily in classes)
- Reading Plus implemented in Key Stage 2 to offer a wide variety of texts and genres
- Reading buddies allow pupils to share books with each other and model reading across the phases
- Reading ambassadors plan reading events such as World Book Day and promote reading in school.
- Teacher swap days are planned to allow teachers to share their favourite books with other classes.
- Reading shed is always open and ready for use at break times and lunch times to promote reading during unstructured times.
- Each phase has a reading spine including high-quality texts which can be accessed by pupils and class teachers either as class readers or for home school reading books.
- Reading raffle tickets are distributed to pupils who read 5 times at home each week. Tickets can be kept and exchanged for prizes.