At St Mary Magdalen’s we follow ‘Come and See’ which is the scheme of work recommended by the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle. The programme was developed to respond to the needs of children today in their faith journey, to enable them to grow in their religious literacy and understanding in a way that is coherent with current educational principles. It integrates the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the Religious Education Curriculum Directory.
At the heart of the programme is the mystery of God’s self revelation of love through Jesus Christ. ‘Come and See’ gives pupils the opportunity to explore the mystery of faith through Scripture and Tradition. ‘Come and See’ forms the basis of our lessons and staff build on this creatively. We encourage children to make links to their own experiences by delivering lessons using key driver words in appropriate contexts. ‘Come and See’ works in such a way that each age phase covers the same topic at any one time, but this is broken into themes meaning the children build on their previous learning each year through cycles A and B.
Throughout a pupil’s school journey, they will each have the opportunity to explore different faiths and religions as part of this curriculum. The resource is supported by CAFOD resources during the summer term. It is important to us that our children see themselves as part of a wider community. An overview of the topics can be found below.