Here at St Mary Magdalen’s R.C Primary School we strive to provide a Literacy Curriculum which challenges and stimulates pupils, developing their skills and a love of reading and writing.
Children begin phonics teaching in the Foundation Stage using the Read, Write, Inc scheme. This continues in Key Stage 1 through daily, streamed phonics sessions. This is re-enforced with daily guided reading sessions in the same set groups, consolidating the sounds covered.
The school currently uses a wide range of books from The Oxford Reading Tree scheme. A recent large investment into this area has ensured that children have access to a wide range of fiction and non-fiction at different levels of complexity, so that they can become competent and fluent readers within a range of genres. This scheme continues until Stage 12 when children are able to select their own reading book from class. This is monitored by class teachers.
Children are encouraged to use their writing skills in many different ways and for a variety of purposes. They learn to plan, draft and then present a final copy of a piece of work which may be poetry, prose , fact or fiction. Children from Year 1 onwards work towards producing extended pieces of writing as they progress through the school.