Curriculum Intent
At our school, we believe that learning is an alteration to long term memory: the long-term retention of knowledge with the ability to transfer it to new contexts. We ensure that children have opportunities to revisit prior learning to ensure they know and remember more. As a Catholic family, Christ lies at the centre of all we do, so children are empowered to live out our school mission. We provide a stimulating and exciting range of opportunities to foster a love of learning as pupils develop into inquisitive individuals who are well prepared for the wider world. Our personalised curriculum celebrates local heritage as well as allowing pupils to engage in the diverse world in which they live in; shaping them spiritually, academically and morally with strong Catholic values.
Curriculum Implementation
At St Mary Magdalen’s we believe our ‘Christ Centred’ approach to the curriculum offers our pupils real opportunities to develop their educational, social and moral character. Our curriculum design is broad and balanced and progressively builds on previous skills, knowledge and conceptual understanding. Core subject areas, are taught discreetly so that our children gain a broad understanding of basic skills and can apply these across all curriculum areas. Learning is focussed on problem solving, attention to detail, communication and teamwork, all of which are soft skills that are essential for future employment. Our school mission and ethos, combined with our curriculum delivery, affords all of our pupils with a sound understanding of the difference between right and wrong, showing respect to one another, celebrating the difference and diversity of other faiths and cultures and an understanding of the values that underpin a democratic society. At St Mary Magdalen’s School, we also recognise the importance of assessment and feedback, both adult and peer led, as an integral part of the teaching and learning cycle, and aim to maximise the effectiveness of its use in practice.
Curriculum Impact
The impact of our curriculum is monitored regularly throughout the school year. Leaders at all levels monitor curriculum subject areas: reviewing learning, evaluating pupil voice, providing individual feedback to move practice forward, celebrating positives and highlighting areas for further development. Through a clear understanding of our pupils needs and talents, all staff ensure that teaching impacts positively on all areas of the curriculum, ensuring it is inclusive, supportive, challenging and enriching. Senior leaders are committed to providing subject leads the opportunity and time for professional development so as to enable them to effectively deliver and evaluate the impact of their subject curriculum provision. Evidence of curriculum impact can be seen through the work, attitudes, engagement and confidence of our pupils within school.