Our children say morning, lunchtime, afternoon and home time prayers every day. The RE curriculum allows regularly opportunities for the children to pray around a class focal point and to reflect on key religious themes. Class liturgical prayers are performed regularly and parents are invited into school to share these prayerful experiences with the children. Children also plan and lead prayers during class Masses and whole school masses, as per planner.
Progression of Prayer
We also teach children specific prayers throughout their time at St Mary Magdalen’s, as shown below…
Phase / Term | Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Sign of the Cross
Morning Prayer Grace before Meals Evening prayer |
Whole School Liturgical Prayer | Hail Mary
KS1 | As above, plus…
Our Father |
Prayer to my Guardian Angel
Eternal Rest
Glory be to the Father
As above, plus…
Apostles Creed |
The Confiteor
Act of Contrition
Come Holy Spirit
As above, plus…
The Memorare |
Hail Holy Queen