The after school Fencing club finished tonight with an impressive display for parents. Our Year 5 and 6 children demonstrated their fancy footwork and fencing skills in a series of ‘Electric Fencing’ competitions!
Some of the Year 5 children completed their Bikeability course on Friday.
Swimming success!
Congratulations to KS2 on winning 3rd place at the Easington Schools KS2 Swimming Gala.
Fire safety
Members of Seaham Fire Station visited the school this morning to remind us about fire safety in the kitchen. See whole school events for more details.
Christmas Fayre
A big thank you goes to the Friends of the School who organised another hugely successful Christmas Fayre in school. A massive £1782.15 was raised on the day!
Carol Singing
Year 5 enjoyed spreading their Christmas cheer to the staff and residents of Beachcomber Nursing home when they performed a series of old and new Christmas carols and songs.
Ben and Jet
Children in Need
Armistice Day
Cenotaph visit
Year 4 and 5 were asked to join other schools in Seaham at the Cenotaph. We were joined by the Mayor to take part in a very thought provoking remembrance service.