Here at St Mary Magdalen’s we are passionate about our children having hopes, dreams, aspirations, goals and ambitions for the future. From EYFS to Year 6 we aim to deliver a structured careers curriculum planned across each phase to broaden children’s knowledge and understanding of a range of career options. We seek to open their eyes and minds to both a range of careers and the skills and qualities required to fulfil these roles. We introduce children to a variety of careers through subject specific discussions, highlighting experts in each field along with well-known local names. We work to provide opportunities for both visits and visitors, in order to increase children’s knowledge of the local labour market and opportunities. We work in partnership with the North East Ambition Authority working towards achieving The Gatsby Benchmarks. We self-audit against these each year. We want all of our children to be empowered to believe they can achieve anything they set their minds to.
Careers in Art
Careers in DT
Careers in English
Careers in Geography
Careers in History
Careers in Maths
Careers in Music
Careers in PE
Careers in Science
Careers in Spanish
If you are interested in supporting our careers provision then please contact us today.