Accurate and regular use of assessment allows teachers to monitor progress as well as assisting them to plan to the needs of their pupils. Teachers use both formative and summative assessment strategies to ensure children build upon prior learning through a carefully planned curriculum in order to achieve mastery within each subject. Children are assessed in line with the National Curriculum (2014) expectations.
Formative Assessment
As we aim to secure knowledge into long term memory, flashbacks, quizzes and recaps of prior learning are present in lessons throughout the curriculum to ensure children practise retrieval of previously learnt content before extending learning further. Teachers provide live feedback within lessons to ensure misconceptions are addressed effectively ‘in the moment’ and children are appropriately challenged to move learning forward. Effective use of questioning and partner talk provides opportunities for teachers to assess understanding within the lesson. Where necessary, teachers provide written feedback for pupils in books. A ‘whole class feedback’ approach has also been adopted to highlight areas of strength and opportunities for development, particularly within writing lessons.
Summative Assessment
Termly summative assessments are carried out across all year groups providing a measure of progress for each child. Together with teacher assessment, this is reported to parents on a termly basis. Analysis of assessment data feeds into pupil progress meetings whereby support is mapped out across the school to support pupils in their learning.
Statutory Assessments
Throughout their time in primary school, pupils will take part in a number of statutory assessments:
Year Group | Statutory Assessments |
Reception | Reception Baseline Assessment |
Year 1 | Phonics Screening Test |
Year 2 | KS1 SATs Tests |
Year 3 | N/A |
Year 4 | Multiplication Tables Check |
Year 5 | N/A |
Year 6 | KS2 SATs Tests |
Assessment Across the Curriculum
For a deeper look into assessment within each curriculum area, please refer to the subject specific page.