Dear Parent/Carer,
Please find in the school performance section of our website a copy of the final Ofsted inspection report, following our short inspection by Fiona Manuel (Her Majesty’s Inspector), carried out on 1st November 2017. I am delighted to share the main findings of the inspection with you and I am pleased to inform you that our school continues to be Good and safeguarding is effective.
The report highlights many positive aspects of our school and acknowledges all the hard work carried out by all members of staff since our last inspection. It identifies our school as a calm and industrious environment where a culture of warmth, inclusivity and good humour prevails. Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is a strength and pupils attend well and enjoy coming to school.
At St Mary Magdalen’s all staff continually strive to ensure the children in our care receive a full and well-rounded education. The inspection report highlights that many parents agree that this is certainly the case. One parent’s view encapsulated the views of many passed onto the inspector, ‘This is a fabulous school that is entirely focused on the spiritual, educational and emotional well-being of its pupils.’
Thank you for your continued support
Mr L J Duncan